Nivea for Men’s public relations firm asked us to come up with a fun and innovative way to create a buzz among writers and journalists about their new Body Wash for Men product line. We decided to construct a custom mini-shower, and place the products inside of it along with product information cards. Each card featured a different kid from their TV commercial, and a cool man teaching them how to clean like a grown up.
The Result a jovial response from the writers and journalists who received the mailers, and numerous positive articles and write-ups about the product line.

We designed and fabricated mini-showers out of plexiglass that fit three bottles of Nivea Body Wash for Men perfectly. The door had a magnetic latch, and the entire surface was made to look like a steamy shower.
The TV commercial for these products featured young teenagers skeptical about the product, and a cool older man setting them straight & telling them to “Clean like a grown up.” We translated this clever messaging into three insert cards which delivered both the fun vibe of the campaign and key product information. They were neatly slid inside the mini-showers next to the products, and held in tight by the magnetically latched door.